MSIT Test-out Exam Scheduling Header Image

Dear prospective MSIT students, Please READ:

First, download the Instructions for the foundation course test-out exam.

*Please use this form to schedule your test-out exams for MSIT foundation courses.

*If you are not an MSIT student, please DO NOT use this form.

*Please use this form when you are ready for the exam. Usually, we do not reschedule the test.

*Schedule your test at least one week before the test date. For example, you want to take the exam on November 15 and submit this form by November 8. Then, we can help you set up the exam and let you take the tests on time.

*Only one attempt is allowed for each subject.

*Exams can be scheduled for the listed dates only.

*If you want to test out multiple courses, please submit the request for each one.

*Do not share your test results with other peers.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Dr. Shirley Tian (

Do you have access to D2L (*
Which courses do you want to test out? *
Which date do you want to take the exam? Choose the date below. If you want to take exam in different days, please submit another request. The deadline to take the test out exam is on your decision letter. You must complete the exam by the program starts. *
Your request will be processed in 5 business days. You will receive an email for the instructions to access the test. Please acknowledge it below. *

Program Coordinator
